Ambassador Role: To represent the various Wales Ambassador schemes in sharing knowledge gained through the programmes, with any interested individual(s).
Expectations: All Wales Ambassadors, as representatives of the various schemes, will share accurate information and network in a friendly way. As representatives of the various schemes, Ambassadors should show respect for communities, visitors, residents, staff and each other. All Ambassadors are expected to follow the standards of the Wales Ambassador Code of Conduct and therefore, each individual Ambassador can be confident that their Co-Ambassadors are committed to acting in accordance with these standards.
In relation to the above, Ambassadors are expected to:
- Respect visitors, communities and staff of the various organisations leading the schemes.
- Share the knowledge learned as widely as possible and encourage participation in the various programmes.
- Encourage responsible behaviour when visiting the areas covered by theschemes.
- Celebrate the Welsh language by learning and using native place names.
- Lead by example – being an Ambassador gives no person any additional rights / authority.
- Follow the Countryside Code and the Adventure Smart guidelines.
- Support Visit Wales’ Addo pledge.
- Follow the guidance and advice of the scheme leading organisations and any relevant authority on recreational activities – including responsible parking, camping and refuse disposal.
- Keep up to date with the latest developments and information about the areae.g. by using the resources section of the schemes or completing a refreshercourse (if applicable).
Failure to comply with the above obligations may result in the removal of any accreditation gained under the Wales Ambassador programme.