Frequently Asked Questions
We hope your questions will be answered within these FAQs. If your question is not here, then please get in touch with us at as we will be happy to help.
Who can become a Denbighshire Ambassador?
Anyone who wishes to enhance their knowledge of Denbighshire are welcome to participate and to become an Ambassador. However, those who work within the tourism industry or come into contact with visitors on a regular basis are particularly encouraged to take part and to become a Denbighshire Ambassador.
What are the online training modules?
A range of free interactive online training modules have been produced to increase knowledge about Denbighshire.
Are any of the modules mandatory?
Yes – you must complete ‘Welcome to Denbighshire’ and ‘Denbighshire Towns & City’ before accessing any other modules of your choice.
Will there be different levels to the training?
- Bronze – Complete 3 modules
- Silver – Complete 6 modules
- Gold – Complete 9+ modules
How many online modules do I need to complete to become a Denbighshire Ambassador?
In order to become a Denbighshire Ambassador (Bronze), you must complete 3 modules (2 mandatory and 1 of your choice).
Will the modules be assessed?
Yes, basic testing to confirm your learning will take place throughout the modules. The ‘pass’ score is 80%. There will be opportunities to re-take any of the modules.
How long will it take to complete each module?
On average, each module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete (although some maybe slightly shorter/longer).
Are the modules available in Welsh and English?
All the modules will be available in Welsh and English. Please be sure you complete the whole course in the language of your choice because we cannot guarantee to keep your scores if you swap languages.
Will there be any promotional materials available for becoming a Denbighshire Ambassador?
Yes, the following will be sent to you –
- Digital certificates
- Digital badges
- Pin badge
- Stickers for doors & windows
Will the modules be updated or new ones introduced?
Yes – modules will be updated as and when required and new modules will be introduced. We will notify users when a module has been updated and if any new content has been uploaded.
Will any other online resources be available?
Yes – the website has a ‘Resources’ section where you can find a whole host of useful information and links to compliment the modules.